Wednesday, March 2, 2011


  These days there are a lot of things that are pulling people in many different directions. Wives, girlfriends, husbands, boyfriends, significant others, kids, work, bosses, co-workers, and more. What is the correct order so that balance can be achieved in life? Should kids be the top priority? How about work? Maybe your significant other or even yourself. Let's explore this a bit. 
  First and foremost the individual self, yes you are to be number one. No one will ever take better care of you than you. You can't be there for anyone else if you are not well. You must be number one. If you don't love yourself or know who you are, how in the world do you expect anyone else to accept you, whomever you may be? 
  Second, your spouse or significant other must be a priority. Once you are a complete person, then you are ready for a relationship. We have been placed here on earth for relationship. We have not been created to be alone. 
  Third priority should be your job. Jobs come and go, but you are a constant and your significant other should be a constant. Cling to one another and weather the storm of employment and unemployment. 
  Fourth priority is kids, if you have them. If you do not then move on to the last of the top five priorities in your life. If you do have kids like I do, then regardless of significant others and regardless of employment, your kids are your kids. Kids MUST never be a top priority and must never supersede a spouse or a job. Kids cannot run the home. They are kids. They should never be handed that much power and responsibility. You are the parent and they are the kid. They will be adults soon enough. If you place kids above your own needs, you will never be able to be there for your kids the way that they actually need you to be. If you place your kids above a spouse, resentment and divorce are sure to follow. If you place your kids above your job, you could lose the job and then not be able to provide for your kids. I'm not saying your kids are last priority. I am only listing the top five of many many priorities in your life. 
  Number five and certainly not last is family. Do not put your extended family above your own needs and do not let your family interfere with your relationship. Don't let your family get in the way or dictate your job and certainly do not let your family tell you how to raise your kids. Love and respect your family, but realize they too have their place. 
  Follow this and find balance in your life. Don't and I'll be seeing you soon. 

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In the words of Lawton Chiles, “I didn’t come to stay, I came to make a difference.”

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