Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Winners and Winners

Mediation today was quite interesting. Prior to dad being deployed in the army, mom and dad got divorced. Dad went away for 2 years and mom was home raising the child. Mom had been making decisions unilaterally since many times dad couldn't be contacted. Dad got medically discharged and is now collecting unemployment. Dad is now home and wishes to see his son. He has stated that he has now started the biggest battle of his life. Dad even stated that fighting for his country wasn't as difficult or as emotional than the battle that is being raged with his ex wife over support and time sharing. Mom and dad live almost 75 miles apart and wish to be involved in their son's life. There are obvious difficulties just in exercising time sharing with such a distance. Issues ranging from who is dropping off and picking up, who's covering the travel expenses due to the increase in auto fuel, and not to mention the weekly and holiday time sharing schedules. Lots of emotions flew today and tears were shed as a new parenting plan and support were calculated. In the end, under the new laws and guidelines, dad got more time sharing and mom now gets less support. I believe that the child's interest will be met as this child will now get a more balanced relationship with both mom and dad. Both parties negotiated and both parties won and lost certain issues. In the end, they created their own parenting plan and I believe as time goes by, they will realize that the true winner is not either of them, but rather their 6 year old son. A wise woman once said to me that I would never be able to be the parent that my children need me to be until I can get past and over myself. She was right!
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In the words of Lawton Chiles, “I didn’t come to stay, I came to make a difference.”

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