Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Lately there has not been much to blog about and I don't like to blog or podcast just for the sake of blogging or podcasting. Lately, the mediations have all been the same. I am happy and love assisting others resolve conflict but for the parties, life up until now has not been enjoyable. Side A has been frustrated with side B and side B is angry at the system. Both sides are fed up with the judicial process and how slow the wheels of justice move or lack there of. The courthouse is backed up at least 3 months just to schedule mediation and cases seem to linger. In the past 2 weeks, most of the cases that I have mediated have been going on for a minimum of 3 yrs and I am not the first mediator that the party has had. Needless to say, emotions run high and have to be acknowledged long before I can do my thing and take the parties through the necessary paperwork. 
I have been very blessed to have the educational background that I have. I have an Associates degree in paralegal studies so I have a good basis for the legal part of the process. Furthermore I have a Bachelor's degree in pre-law with a minor in mediation/arbitration. Again, I have a great background for dealing with the law and legal issues, but the minor I received is mostly psychology based. The combination of both legal and psychology are a must when conducting family divorce mediation. A mediator can be the best mediator and deal with all the emotions in the world, BUT if he or she cannot memorialize the agreement in the proper legal format, then it will all be a total waste. If I was just legal trained, I would have a difficult time mediating as there is a lot of emotional issues that have to be addressed. The most important factor that has made me an effective mediator is that I have lived through these issues first hand for many years and have experienced the emotions that a party is going through. I am living proof that this too shall pass and there will be another day with light at the end of what may seem to be an endless tunnel. As of October 22, 2010 I have a settlement rate of 84% which is quite good considering the state average in 2009 for the entire state of Florida was 74%. If you need me, call me and let's have a conversation. 

iChat Mediation invites you to come and learn more about having either your divorce conducted by one of our State Supreme Court Certified mediators or how you can become part of the most cutting edge virtual companies in the world. To learn more visit us online at or call us at 877-822-1479.
In the words of Lawton Chiles, “I didn’t come to stay, I came to make a difference.”

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