Saturday, April 30, 2011

Pro Se

If you are going to represent yourself in a court of law, you had better know what you are doing. If you don't, then you can't blame everyone around you that is attempting to help you. Don't blame the mediator that is simply doing his or her job and helping you actually move through the process. Don't blame the clerk of court who simply takes the papers and files the papers that you and your spouse filled out on your own. Don't blame the judge's assistant that is doing his or her job and don't blame the judge either. Of all these individuals, it is you and your spouse that do not know what you are doing. The rest of these people, from the clerk to the judge have multiple degrees, certifications and experience that qualify them to do their job.

If you are representing yourself, here is a novel idea. First, start by looking up, reading, studying, learning and following Chapter 61. Second, go read the rules of civil procedure so you know the rules of the court. Third, review civil litigation so you know how the judicial system is set up and structured to run. Finally, remember that mediation is designed to allow you to make your own choices and make your own decisions. The mediation agreement is your own and the choices you make in that agreement are to be your own. Stop blaming others that are here to help and be responsible and accountable for the choices you make and decisions you make. If you are unsure in what to do or how to do, then get some legal advice, hire an attorney or attend law school.  

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