On September 23, 2011, I filed multiple contempts of court against my ex. She was still not paying child support for months and I became aware that she unilaterally changed the kid’s medical insurance to military insurance from Florida Healthy Kids insurance in order to obtain military base housing and gain a larger financial allotment from the government. (https://files.me.com/mbrickman911/yzgk30) I had all the previous court documents, police reports, text messages, emails, voicemail recordings, faxes and letters proving my case. I felt that it had reached a point where enough was enough and the court had to get involved to make things right.
On September 25, 2011, I had an argument with my children and punished them for not listening and following the rules in my home. My son didn’t like the punishment, so he called his mom. That night she instructed our 13 year old son to go to school and tell the guidance counselor that I abused him and his sister. On September 27, 2011, DCF showed up to my house. They quickly realized it was all crap and that the allegations were false. They reported that the claim for abuse was unfounded and they closed the case. (https://files.me.com/mbrickman911/kf012v)
Later that same evening after DCF did not take the kids away from me, as my ex wife had hoped and planned, I took the kids with me to pick up my wife from work. While we were driving home and talking with the kids about what they had done, I saw a light and heard a noise in the back seat and when I turn around I saw my daughter’s cell phone on her lap and it was on. I grabbed it and saw that my ex wife had text her and told her to call her. My ex wife was listening to our entire conversation. I hung up the phone and completely went off at this point. I was so hurt and felt so betrayed. Words cannot explain what I felt. We got home and my ex continued to call and text me constantly. I simply text her and told her that we were having dinner and that the kids would call her later. (https://files.me.com/mbrickman911/s5z8qn) That wasn’t good enough for her. In her typical retaliatory mode, ONE minute later, she called the Jupiter Police requesting a welfare check and claiming I was blocking her calls and stated that she was IN FEAR for the kids’ lives. The police showed up and took the kids from our home. After further investigation the police found, like DCF, that the allegations were unfounded and it again was a bunch of crap and returned the kids. (https://files.me.com/mbrickman911/ii44ws)
After what my ex pulled, I filed additional contempts as well as a Modification of Time Sharing based on Chapter 61. (https://files.me.com/mbrickman911/hr3cb5). While waiting to go to court, I found out that my ex wife had given her mother all decision making authority over the kids as my ex wife executed and delivered a general power of attorney. This wasn't even hers to give away! My ex and her mother had been plotting and planning this entire thing together. I guess apples don’t fall to far from their trees. These two sick women plotted and manipulated my child into making a false report and involving DCF against me. (https://files.me.com/mbrickman911/ll7xoe) As I later found out in court, the kids were told by their mother that their grandma would be on call and waiting to get them to deliver them to her in New York after DCF took them from me. That never happened and actually it all backfired. As a result, now their grandma has ZERO contact with the kids. I now will NEVER allow her to be around the kids while they are under my watch as she has proven to be poison and a wicked wicked woman.
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In the words of Lawton Chiles, “I didn’t come to stay, I came to make a difference.”
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